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Calling Tenpines' Bluff

C B Wright

Active Member
Tenpines Bluff, Population 35

The RotC plan for Tenpines is very cool--I especially like the sawmill--but the city wall bothered me. I mean, it makes perfect sense, strategically, for there to be one, but... it's a settlement built on the side of a cliff! It should keep the view. So I decided my Tenpines Bluff was going to be an "open" settlement. The other thing I decided was that it was going to be 90% platforms, because of the uneven terrain. So there are lots of stairs.

What I wound up with was a town that actually had a Main Street. I hadn't originally intended to give it one, but I screwed up with my width and grid estimates and decided to go with it.

Starting from the railroad tracks, in order to properly put the design in perspective. You can see the town skyline off in the distance.

When I first tried to find Tenpines, in my very first game oh so long ago, I followed this sign and missed the damn settlement completely.

It's a little more noticeable now.

The stairs lead up to Main Street.

And here we are! This part of Main Street is mostly residential, though there's one bar. When you go up those stairs, main street takes an abrupt turn to the right.

And here we have the mayor's house, the Minuteman barracks, a town park, and town hall.

Town Hall is a really cool plot.

I replaced the Tenpines' original shack with a Minuteman waystation. The power generators are at the very top.

What used to be just a bunch of broken land and leaves is now an open marketplace.

Lucas' favorite resting spot is still there, but some enterprising settler is trying to tempt him with an actual bed for the night. At a reasonable rate, of course.

If you go up to the generators, at the top fo the Minuteman waystation, you get the best view of the city. Here's the market, and some residential homes. And the turret station that's keeping an eye on the rope bridge.

A birds-eye view of main street.

The middle of the town is focused on agriculture. To the far right is a cluster of shops. The stone thing just to the right of the apartments is a school.

Just behind the farms are houses. You can't tell, but just beyond the houses are another strip of farms.

And finally there's our Industrial row, with the municipal water tower, the logistics station, the scavenger comm tower, and at the very end is an artillery station keeping a careful eye on the train tracks below.

I was wondering the same thing about the night-time screenshots, haha.

The settlement overall looks really cool! You can tell that you put a lot of thought and time into it, and thought about a lot of things.

The first time I played the game I just ran straight across the map in a beeline so I didn't even realize there was a sign from the train tracks until like a year and a half into the game haha. Then when I found it I was amazed, like "WHOA! This ISN'T just in the middle of nowhere!" I'm doing a build there now that actually follows that path up to the actual settlement and it's crazy fun.