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Brute Forcing the infamous Vault-Tec Headquarters glitch, or: "The Repeated Bullet Wounds of Jake"


Active Member
On my latest, Scrap Everything-free playthrough, I got to the infamous Vault-Tec HQ part of Hub of the Problem. Obviously, I saved before talking to him at the ampitheatre, saved before going in, and saved right at the entrance just to be safe.

Jake immediately did an about-face to leave to building. I knew from previous experience that this would be a one-way trip to a softlock, so I did the only thing I knew how to make him stop.

I shot him. Sorry, Jake.

After which, the ghouls from the hallways began to make their way towards the lobby. Obviously, I shot them, too. Jake then stood up out of the downed state, but instead of moving to the receptionist's computer, he wandered over and sat down in a chair by the elevator.

Seeing as he wasn't leaving the building, I went over to the aforementioned computer to try and coax him into moving. While I was there, I shot the ambush ghoul that comes out when Jake tries messing with the computer.

Returning to Jake, he was still seated, now drinking from some inexplicable glass he had managed to find, and not responding to dialogue prompts. Figuring I'd try "turning him off and back on again", I shot him a second time. This time, when recovering from the downed state, he immediately started the receptionist computer conversation while slowly meandering his way back there. After that, the quest continued as planned.

I just figured I'd document all of this for posterity, and as a way for people who've also reached this quest that even if Jake decided to not play ball, there are ways to force the quest back on the rails. Also if this managed to help the devs glean a bit of insight on what's causing the problem, so much the better.
Someoen posted a similar thing for XBox yesterday, but would just stand in his way of the door. I had wondered it damaging him would work better. Thanks.