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BOS Scrap Acquisition and Implementation Settlement Completed

Journeymen Scribe personal journal

*noise of gunshots*

Can you believe this raiders... raiders are attacking here...
This will be a fantastic field test for my new laser rifle.
*noise of something being picked up* *noise of the what can be faintly heard as something charing*
Yeah, get some! *noise of a laser-firing and screaming in the distance while the ever-presence of machine-gun fire from one of the turret can be herd.

What a wonderful day!

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Journeymen Scribe personal journal

*noise of typing, the general background noise of the settlement etc*

ha, Ha... right ah that was not what I expected so they count.

I will have to work on this in the future

*knocking on metal*
Yes, what is it?
Generator 3 is running but there is no output,
*noise of grabbing something can be herd*
Let's see if we can fix it.

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Journeymen Scribe personal journal.

If I keep tinkering with this design I will never get anywhere it is fine, fine.
Not like I want to be here anyway But I really want to get proper small scale research and development team down here to work on the coolant issue. Might as well be happy if I am not going to get reassigned back to R&D myself.

Ok back at it *noise of typing*
Yes, this is fine 811Draws and 360121 Triangles.
Need to get more requisitions, maybe 100-200 I think. This will have to do, finally got something that looks like what I was going for a work station for 11 settlers where we can buy scrap, haul scrap and break it down.

Hum, hum.

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Journeymen Scribe personal journal.

Please see attached pictures of the facility for approval and distribution.

I have changed the farm type to better effect, have increased security after last weeks brazen attack by a group of raiders from what I was told call the wreck of Libertalia home. I would love to get a team in there and rip that place apart for parts, but I digress.

The output is within tolerances, settlers seem happier and willing to work harder, the addition of the Bar and proper toilets probably helped.

Ammo, coolant, weapons, armour and tech are all ready for pick up.

End Journal entry.


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Journeymen Scribe personal journal.

*noise of typing*

Ha, that cheeky bastard he was the one who did the low flyby last night.

He got me good though we were under attack...
*you come here* The noise of a settler walking over can be heard.
Take this bottle of wine to Proctor Teagan, and tell him if he has his Knights do that again I will make him pay double for the ammo.

*noise of something being passed and a person saying right away Scribe*

A good picture I will see if I can have this saved.

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Going to be honest..... I prefer this than the first version.
While scrappy, all-on-top-of-each-other looks good when your floating above it looking down they are a pain in the ass to spend time in. Or run raids on.
Going to be honest..... I prefer this than the first version.
While scrappy, all-on-top-of-each-other looks good when your floating above it looking down they are a pain in the ass to spend time in. Or run raids on.

Journeymen Scribe personal journal.

Some hotshot from a settlement called bunker hill came yesterday, saying that he wanted the rights to have an exclusive trade agreement with me and the brotherhood.
Being a Journeymen Scribe I am not able to make a call of that nature but I passed on his request to Proctor Quinlan and Proctor Ingram.

I had to laugh when two knights in full power armour came down to deal with him directly the look on his face was priceless, I just wish I had my camera on me at the time.

Later the same day a rather unhinged trader stopped by and my word did she have a lot of guns for sale, was about to order a sweep and retrieve but decided to stay my hand and instead devised a deal with her. She must have contacts, to have this many guns for sals. I am happy to say that she will be returning monthly to the workshop with whatever high-tech weaponry she obtains just for us. The lady likes to drink wine for guns fair trade.

I am not liking the weather as of late looks like a storm is blowing in.

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Looking much better. 20191012004509_1.jpg
Now if I could just make a mod for a leader who is this scribe I have made up I would be very happy.
Nice Touch @Karvoc! Well done!