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(Art of War) Mass Pike Interchange issue


New Member
Hey friends,

Running SS2 3.3.4. I've had some trouble with chapter 3, but I've found workarounds to everything so far, until now - I'm on the part of Art of War where you're supposed to meet Salvador for an assault on the Mass Pike Interchange. However, when I meet up with him, he immediately says "Area secure. Blah blah blah, fuel drums, sweep the area and find me some intel."

From here on, the quest seems to be broken. I expected him to tell me to call the troops, but he never did, so I did all the stuff with the binoculars and launching the assault myself. I won, took the territory, and went up to the bridge, picked up the intel - and that was it. Salvador teleported up to the bridge, but when I try to give the intel to him, he just stares at me. I still have the objective to meet with him below, that never disappeared, but all other objectives are complete. I've tried to finish this quest over and over now, from older saves but nothing seems to work.

I suspect this is because no gunners are spawning on the upper bridge. There are only gunners on the ground, so when I first meet up with Salvador he does a check for whether there are gunners on the bridge or not and since there aren't, he comes to the conclusion that I've already done everything up that point and skips several stages of the quest, so it breaks.

Guidance on how to get past this would be great. Thank you!
Hello again friends and sorry for the bump,

A few days later and I haven't gotten anywhere closer to solving this. This has effectively bricked my save which is a few hundred hours deep, so I'd be thankful for any help to get past this quest.
Hello again, one final bump and one final effort to get this resolved to save my SS2 playthrough. I haven't had any more luck fixing this on my own. At this point I just want to get past Art of War. Any setstage black magic or anything I can do to fix this? Any advice at all would be welcome - this was meant to be one final hurrah for Fallout 4 in which I'd do "everything", so I'm pretty bummed out about never getting to the end of SS2.

Thank you!
Do you get the notification saying all the gunners have been taken care of on the upper level? Maybe not all the gunners have been killed (or registered by the game as killed)? If that's the problem, you can try 'kah' in the console (kill all hostiles) to see if that takes care of them?

Maybe try sleeping/waiting while you're up there, to see if any gunners spawn?

Or maybe try to disable/enable Salvador in the console?

Also, once I give the intel to Salvador, I usually notice that Salvador's pathing is weird because he's trying to get up onto the lift to look out. Takes him a while to make it, or sometimes I'll help him along by selecting him while in the console, moving myself up onto the lift, and then typing 'movetoplayer' to teleport him beside me.

You can try to setstage in the quest, but I recommend avoiding that, since a) you're missing out on parts of the quest, and b) most times it borks things up even more. This is how you'd do it though:
  • In the console type 'player.sqs ss2c3_sa01' (a long list of quest stages will appear and you'll be able to see which ones are done)
  • figure out which stage you want to set it to (this is a guess, since I don't know what stages are which... you're almost done the quest so the one you'll want will be near the end of the list)
  • type 'setstage ss2c3_sa01 xx' ('xx' is the quest stage)
  • or you can type 'completequest ss2c3_sa01'
Just a couple ideas... hopefully it helps!