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a suggestion about the recruiting for the h.q


New Member
When the time to start recruiting comes up in the game for h.q I start to get frustrated and feeling overwhelmed and h.q can't be built up because I am trying to do quest ect and hq upgrades come to a slammed halt [like slamming the breaks after speeding up in car ]. my suggestion is to please add a npc that can do the recruiting for the player so the player can focus on other stuff [IF] they don't want to do the recruiting themselves this way it does not break immersion or slow the base building . Thank you for the great mod and for the time to reading suggestion's .
i'm not a big fan of recruitment automation, in fact i am mostly in favor of better manual recruitment methods, but i am in favor of "i care about" sliders for everything.

maybe this could be handled by a option to automatically recruit HQ staff. i.e. a small script that runs every in-game day that looks at the HQ, figures out which department needs staff (lowest available energy after subtracting maintenance projects?) then finds the single settler out in the wilds with the highest stat for that department, and transfers them to the HQ. you get a corner quest notification "sneak has been transferred to the GNN Facilities department" or whatever.

this same script could sort HQ members among departments, and maybe dispatch people back to that settlement in trade for the truly disinterested (i.e. living quarters below 2 available, find the lowest stat member of the department with the highest available energy after subtracting maintenance projects and return them to the settlement that just got recruited from?).

you'd never catch me using it, but i can see the benefit for someone.
It could be a thing if we're talking about random settlers with 4-4-4-4 etc stats. Maybe 5-6s in the stat that's needed. That way recruiting people yourself would still be way more efficient, along with getting uniques for HQ, but you wouldn't have to do all this solely by yourself.
It could be a thing if we're talking about random settlers with 4-4-4-4 etc stats. Maybe 5-6s in the stat that's needed. That way recruiting people yourself would still be way more efficient, along with getting uniques for HQ, but you wouldn't have to do all this solely by yourself.
are we talking about recruiting to settlements from the random public, or recruiting to the HQ from the settlements? i assumed the original suggestion was about "i don't want to manage HQ staff." which means they are just talking about the second step. the first step is already well automated by beacons and comms plots.

the second step would only have the already recruited population of your settlements to draw from, much like walking around talking to people with the recruitment clipboard, not NEW random settlers from outside or unique recruits from quests.
I kinda assumed OP was talking about an NPC working as a beacon for HQ itself. Kinda like those folks promoting shit on the street. Kinda like Cindy Becker for HQ (still not sure what her deal is)? It would be funny to see what they'd come up with if this was in game. Some recruiter fella standing in Diamond City, Goodneighbor or Bunker Hill with varied desperation in their lines.
interesting. i hadn't considered randos direct to HQ like that. however, i think Vitals are so critical for HQ department staff that, as you say, random settlers with 1s and 2s would be negatively helpful.

we already have a fairly robust system to turn subpar settlers into HQ-ready experts in the recreational training plots, and as much as i like to complain about beacons, that recruitment method works. rather then implementing a new system to directly recruit randos to HQ, then another new system to discriminate those recruits on quality, and finally a third new system to do intra-department sorting, it's probably more efficient implement only the last system, and let it sort people between HQ and connected settlements, and let the recruitment and training of substandard randos be outsourced to the existing and semi-well-oiled systems for settlements.
random settlers with 1s and 2s would be negatively helpful.
you're right, that's why I suggested 4's. and 5s. I'd still never consider anyone below 7 at this point but those can work.
I was thinking of only the system to recruit them, sorting them between departments sounds like a lot of code and scripts. "Firing" them would be a cool mechanic though. An HR office doing that and the recruitment. Please please let us put The Ron in charge of it. I bet he'd reconsider our offer of work if he saw our glorious new HQ curing AIDS and putting GECK to good use.
[...]I was thinking of only the system to recruit them, sorting them between departments sounds like a lot of code and scripts. [...]
how else could you automatically use settlers at all? however you recruit them, a settlers with 1 str assigned to facilities is negatively helpful, even if they have and 11 int because the rolls are weighted to give higher stats.

also i am in favor of The Ron doing HR paperwork:
"Hey Cool cat, you forgot to fill in your W-4 form. be groovy and get your department head to sign it before you bring it back to me, ok baby?"
"woah woah woah, let's all take a chill-pill here, baby, no need to get it twisted. this is just a yearly review, and your job is locked in like flynn, ya dig?"
"alright cool cat, just show us what he did to the donut that made you feel wiggy working with him, ok daddy-o?"
"we can work this out. The Ron is always on your side."