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A Civilian Shipment Routed Through...a Military Outpost? [Just Curious]


New Member
Just curious what prompted the developers to use Satellite Station Olivia as the location through which the box of ASAM sensors were routed rather than the more logical Wicked Shipping, if anyone knows.
I imagine it's because it's the closest location that's already a raider base.
Conqueror, eh?

Quest plays really weird at that point. Jake casually walks over to the terminal to unlock it while I shoot a raider (and his dog) patrolling the hall and the raiders don't bat an eyelash.(I honestly expected him to help clear the raiders outside and allow me to clear the inside using the gameplay preference of my choice as he did in Concord. I didn't mind that even that would have ruined my preferred approach to locations along the way, the quest is so enjoyable on its own.)

Fun fact: I was halfway through vanilla Fallout 4 on my first playthrough before I found the key to the Wicked Shipping trailers, wondering where it was the whole time, when it's available from the get-go .lol (I'd never ventured or been sent to that section of the map.)

At any rate, I was thinking the whole time that Wicked Shipping was the more logical choice, but if Conqueror is the main driver of development, I guess that would be why.
Jake himself actually brings that point up in a dialog sequence that it seems most people haven't gotten - he doesn't know why the Comm Hub was where it was either once he's had time to think about it. Feels like a "this will be relevant information later" to me.
I mean, let's be real, there is NO WAY the Pre-War Military wasn't interested in this ASAM tech, and they'd want to get their hands on it somehow...

Remember though that SS2's "Jake Storyline" is not finished yet - there will still be AT LEAST one more Story Chapter for him. Could still be a lot more explaining of things. Hell, I would not be noticably surprised if that Magnusson guy is a ghoul out there somewhere...
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Well 2 gunners are looking for someone probably Jake in DC at the Ron's. The Gunners were also doing an op near Olivia when you contacted them by mistake. Maybe they to are looking for the Hub, maybe for Magnison