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Suggestion 3x3 Heavy Agricultural Plot "PikeFarm" - remove the beds


Active Member
In Conqueror 4.0.7b, the 3x3 Heavy Agricultural Plot "PikeFarm" has two mattresses on the floor at level 3.

I believe these extra mattresses are throwing off the total beds counter for my city by 2, and may be showing as unsheltered as well. I've got 19 normal residential plots but the workshop thinks I have 21 beds, even after a full city-wide plot refresh. No other player-placed beds in the settlement. The settlers recognize them as beds - I've seen Jammer curled up for a nap on one of them a couple of times.

In a future revision of Conqueror, can these mattresses be removed or replaced with some other clutter, so that the Ag plot is just that?
we will look into that :)