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Solved Liberator, how to free enslaved?


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I am attempting to play through as a minuteman liberator. The prebuild had setup Sunshine Tidings as a Libertalia controlled settlement. I performed a vassal assault and completed it successfully. There were now 4 settlers that show as "Enslaved". I could not interact with them. I used a console command to force access to the inventory and took the slave collars away. Now they are "Enslaved Settler" and I still can't command them.

Seems to me that there should be a way to free slaves when an assault is complete. Am I missing something?
I saw that thread after I posted. I did use the console command to remove the collars, but days later they are just still standing around. I may just console kill them so I don't have to look at them anymore. :)
Prior to Kinggath's Conqueror mod, I played as a Minuteman and used several mods such as We Are the Minutemen. My next game, I am planning to play as a Minutemen Liberator. If you do not mind, which minutemen related mods have you used with Conqueror that have not created any serious problems?
I've got three minuteman mods installed at the moment.

We are the Minutemen
Militarized Minutemen
Sim Settlements Conqueror Faction Pack - Minutemen (Liberator)

It's too early for me to say with any level of certainty if these will cause any problems. I have not experienced any yet.
So, after several in game days I went back to check on these enslaved. They were all still there moping about, but while I was in workshop mode taking care of some construction, I happened to notice as I passed by one of them that I had an option to scrap them. I may have had the extra object selection from Place Everywhere turned on. So, I went ahead and scrapped them out of existence. Not sure if this is intended, but it worked for me.
, I happened to notice as I passed by one of them that I had an option to scrap them. I may have had the extra object selection from Place Everywhere turned on. So, I went ahead and scrapped them out of existence. Not sure if this is intended, but it worked for me.
Sounds like the best option to me since destroying the collar with a console command aint gonna fix the script needed to run to change them form enslaved to settler or civilian.