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Question City plan settler limit


New Member
Could someone please tell me the exact number of settler/resident plots, built into each of the following original level 3 city plans:
Starlight drive in
The Castle
Spectacle Island

As I would like the settlers to build what was originally design before I start deleting, moving and adding more resident plots to the design.

As long as you have the settlement needs hud on, it will let you know what the current max population is at the bottom. I.e. 12/15 would tell you the max population for the plan's current level is 15 & your current is 12.
I have citizen needs on, but I can’t see a settlement needs option, all I see is a bar on my hud and not a number.
Am I missing something? Or another mod


Current Population/City Plan Projected Population

Also, has a break down of some City Plans, but it's a work in progress and the settlements you've asked about aren't filled in yet.
Yeah I remember having number on an old play through ages and ages ago, but now coming back too fallout 4 deleting, changing my load order and installing new mods for my new perfect play through, that number only shows a single figure of how many settlers are here and not the total.

It was very useful in planing settlements and I thought I had forgotten a mod or an option to turn on to have that, but if it’s still a work in progress and not available at all settlements yet, then that’s fine, I’ll just to go by judgement and memory.

Yeah I do have HUDFramework thanks mate, but I guessed Kinggath would have made his own to keep it up to date with the his advancing sim settlements mod
You have to be running a city plan so it shows current Settlers/max Settlers.
If you are building the classic style it Will only show your current population
I would have thought instead of messing around around with the coding of the hud, it would be just as easy to write it on the ‘View City Details’ that you can access from the city planners desk
‘ This city plan is designed for X amount of settlers ‘
But hay-ho.. that’s my my opinion
Stumpy, check in your options under recruitment. The total is not displayed if you have City Plan Limit turned off.
I agree it would have been helpful to have an option on the city planners desk to see how many the city plan is designed for, and even what plots there will be. But I guess the whole idea of Sim Settlements is we don't know because the settlers are building it themselves ...