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Lore conversation for Sim Settlements Conqueror

Michael Fier

New Member
I love Sim settlements and have been using it since it first came out, but I need more information, and yes I did watch (some ) of the live stream about this, but honestly? 3 hours +? (coughs) that was a bit more time I was willing to commit to this.
All the questions I have really deal with lore,
1) Currently are there any plans on how this mod would/could effect the main quest for fallout 4. Meaning if you are a raider, wouldn't you just forgo the institute plot line, find a way into the institute and take your child by force? Completely avoiding any quest line that father would start? Also, Considering you would have to side with the institute to get bunker hill as a settlement is that taken into consideration?
2) How would/could this effect your relationships with your companions, by example I know there is a call for a BOS concept, and love the idea, that being said. How would Piper react to that since she is not a fan of BOS, or the majority of your companions for that matter.
What about the institute, is that a concept? And how would Nick Valentine react to that, he's no fan of the institute, you get the idea.
And lastly (for now)
3)When do you think you can provide a list or partial list of incompatible mods.

Tons of questions, but I REALLY think that this was a stroke of genius. It gives a TON of possible new content.
Thanks in advance
1. There are plans to eventually have a way to complete the main quest with your raiders, but it is not available yet. I'm not sure what you mean about bunker hill, as you can get control of it when siding with any faction after the battle of bunker hill.
2. I'm not sure about companion relationships with the existing quest line, other than the ability to kill Preston Garvey as a raider. Other quest lines are still theoretical, and afaik no decisions have been made on that sort of thing. There are a couple of discussion threads, so if you have thoughts on what reactions should be, you may want to find one of those and contribute them there.
3. I'm not part of the team so I can't answer this one, sorry.
The Institute has no real interest in 'conquering' the Wasteland. Their long-term plans involve guiding the Wasteland toward ther intended destination (a clean slate with no trace whatsoever of the Old World) by pulling strings from the shadows.

That said, if there ever was a Raider gang that was looking as if it were about to become another Caesar's Legion (in the sense that it's conquering a bunch of other gangs and becoming a massive empire), I wouldn't put it past the Institute to replace its leadership with Synths in order to get it to follow the Institute's goal of a new world built on the ashes of the old world. Institute Synths have infiltrated raider gangs in the past, after all.

And who is to say that a Raider Sole Survivor who is also poised to become the Institute's new director wouldn't do exactly that? What better way to ensure your liutenants are loyal than literally programming that way?
Im willing to help with writing Fallout themed conversations or story stuff for custom faction BOS - Brotherhood of Socialism for our beloved F4 game - while keeping Fallout Bible lore stuff untouched. Anyone who want could ask for help me in ideas and quest story writing .