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which side is more common?

so something i have wondered about is just who do people side with in fallout 4 with sim settlements, since it would be interesting to hear what people normaly do in the wastes while they have citys building back home.

of course i am only talking about the main 3 in the base game outside of DLC and the minutemen since you can't leave that faction, but did you side with ether:
1. the railroad
2. the brotherhood of steel
3. the institute

on the side of DLC i would also like to know who all do you side with in the end of them, do you spare the mechanist or just outright kill her? what is the fate of far harbor in your playthrough normaly and what is the fate of the nuka world raiders? feel free to comment below as i would like to hear what you guys chose to do and why you chose that faction. granted I might have less play time then most since i only have 850 hours in fallout 4, and about 200 of that is with in fan made DLC (since at this point sim settlements is almost like a DLC to me.)
Played em all & killed em all. LOL
Really depends on what your moral compass heading is for that play through.
The first time I played Nuka World I went the full Raider route to see what it was all about. From then on, Gage never makes it out of Cola Cars. LOL
Far Harbor.. for me, has more re-playability since the main factions are tied into it.
My preferred playthrough is siding with the institute, with mod that allows you to save the Railroad(basically telling Des to cool it while I fix things the right way). All other endings just seem dumb...

I placate Father till he is dead, then RP redirecting the Institute into focusing on helping people. I start building Institute outreach centres in my settlements(Homemaker sets work nice for this): Clean fusion power, clean water, food, decontamination arches etc. And it is a lot of fun trying to fit these into the previous built stuff. And this way I kind merge the Minutemen with the Institute(at least in a PR'ing).

After taking over the institute I usually also start developing Spectacle Island as an additional Institute surface base. Makes sense as a first step. Above ground, but still slightly isolated for now. The Institute is there for people to come see for help, but doesn't impose themselves on other peoples land.

I spare the Mechanist, instead setting her to work for me. I repurpose her bots into a proper policing/supply lines force(My high int player can surely come up with better more precise orders for the bots than "help people"...). This basically means heavily armed bots wiping out the scum while they transport my shit back and forth. Really fun to see these racing through the landscape too on robobrain threads, with gatling lasers firing.

I save Arcadia and far Harbour, letting Dima confess and pay for his crimes. Atom nuts get their wish with "division"... "New" Institute comes to help Arcadia, while Minutemen and Institute help settlements(as above).

In Nuka I exploit the gangs to help clear and rebuild the park. Mod to telling them to **** themselves when they want to raid my settlements. Then I play them against each other and wipe them out. Might try that mod that lets the Minutemen help with it this playthrough. Again the new Institute comes with the Minutemen to help the park and settlement.

Some might find this "goodie" path a bit boring. But it is the only way that I can make sense in my head.
Having played through numerous times since FO4 came out (sim settlements and a bad finger on one hand brought me back :) ), I always side with the railroad now. Don't even bother joining the brotherhood.

Far Harbor: last time, blew up the CoA. This time, will probably try the path that keeps everyone alive and happy.

Nuka-World: play through with Gage to clear all the parks and take it over and get his perk, then wipe everyone out with the Minutemen when they want me to take over regular settlements. This mod is wonderful for that:
For me, it's kinda similar, only with the Brotherhood of Steel. My intent is to steer the Brotherhood back towards how Elder Lyons did things before, with the end-goal of ending up like the Midwest Brotherhood. Yeah, I know it'll splinter the faction again with the Outcasts, but if Maxson's Brotherhood really did have the interests of the Commonwealth first and foremost in their minds, they'd put the technology they gather to use in protecting the Commonwealth. To that end, I've made sure to install the Danse Dilemma mod, as it even has the option of telling Lance-Captain Kells not to bother the Railroad. Like the mod implies, it'd be hypocritical to destroy the Railroad after standing up for Danse, but even then the Railroad would likely not pick fights with a synth-friendly Brotherhood. If you're going without mods, then this would be the cutting-off point for the Brotherhood to side with the Minutemen.

When it comes to the Minutemen themselves, they'd remain as-is. My Brotherhood isn't out to rule over the Commonwealth, just protect it from abuses of technology. There's still the feral ghoul problem, and the raiding super-mutants to deal with, both of which caused by nukes and FEV respectively. The Institute naturally would have to go, as they care little for the Commonwealth and, in my opinion at least, are outright evil, kidnapping and experimenting on people and have straight-up caused the Commonwealth's super mutant problem. I would sound the evacuation at least, because there are certain lines you don't cross. Killing non-combatants is one of them. But when it comes to the day-to-day protection from raiders and most creatures, the Minutemen are the ones on the front-lines.

Essentially, the Brotherhood is the Superman in the Watchtower, while the Minutemen are the Green Arrow down on street-level.

When it comes to the Mechanist, her heart was in the right place. She truly did want to make life better for the Commonwealth's citizens, and the mask of the Mechanist helped give her the confidence to do it. Her mistake did cost people their lives, though. But an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Her sentence would be community service, helping to maintain a new robot network operated by the Brotherhood to patrol the busiest of trade routes between settlements. Some might argue that this isn't really a punishment at all, and I can certainly understand their stance. But I don't think she should be held responsible for the robobrains reinterpreting her orders.

For DiMA, he would stand trial. But I would do everything in my power to ensure that Acadia not suffer as a result of his actions. Yes, he is the leader of Acadia, but his actions were his own, and thus so is the sentence. Acadia and Far Harbor can still work together and benefit from one-another. But sadly, the Children of Atom would have to go. It's become clear through the encounters in the Commonwealth that they've become far too fanatical to be reasoned with to work together long-term, especially with the evidence of kidnappings in the Boston area. It's unfortunate, but necessary for the long-term safety of everyone.

Nuka World is pretty cut-and-dry, really. But it'd be the Minutemen saving the day on this occasion, moving in and restoring freedom to the area. It'd again become a trade hub for folks, with the Minutemen running security.

I know this probably reads as hopelessly idealistic as it gets, but I don't think that a post-apocalyptic wasteland means that government and civility is impossible. It'll be an uphill struggle for sure, but it can be attainable with cooperation between the factions. I know I left the Railroad out of this one, but they seem to me to be focussed entirely on freeing Synths, which is totally fine and something I'd encourage and assist with. Synths may not be human, but they are people. And under the protection of the Minutemen and the Brotherhood, people would have rights that they'd lay down their lives to protect.
My headcanon is more idealistic; The Brotherhood isn't really salvageable under Maxson and the Institute is frankly Dr. Mengele level of banal evil.

My head canon is that a Commonwealth rises with the Railroad forming the core of a Commonwealth Intelligence Agency and the Minutemen rising as a Military in support of a Greater Commonwealth. With the release of the synths and the evacuation of the Institute personnel I think technology will allow the rise of an Eastern power on par with the NCR.

The Mechanist did not intend the results she got. Her punishment is community service, as imposed by her own conscience. She knows what she did. She will do better.

Dima is more complicated, and certainly I understand how he was driven to his crimes. He needs to pay for them.

Nuka World Raiders? Screw those guys. They die. I eat Nukalurk and develop an odd phobia regarding crickets.
I usually do either Minutemen or Railroad ending against the Institute. I'm not a huge fan of the BoS. Maxon is just not a very nice person. One play through of Nuka World I killed off the Disciples? the ones that are really into killing and violence because they're crazy evil. But I allowed the other raider packs to survive and used a mod so that I didn't have to give them any settlements other than the Red Rocket one in NW. I did that one play through just to see what it was like. Otherwise I always kill off all the raiders in NW. I do the peaceful ending of FH always. I'm not thrilled about what Dima has to do, but I figure a stable peace is more important.

What really gets me is that in Fallout I just hate doing bad guy things. But in Skyrim I always play the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. Always. :scratchhead
What really gets me is that in Fallout I just hate doing bad guy things. But in Skyrim I always play the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. Always. :scratchhead

There are so many plot's in so many RPG's that I know I want to do. In theory. Except for the part where it mean's I'm not picking up Minsc or I betray Deekin or not doing the other five hilarious good aligned things I always look forward to.

Sorry bad guy, no hilarious but well writ character development for you. Boo says 'NO!'.
I never actually sided with the institute. Last time I took the BoS, just because I wanted to see Liberty Prime in action. I had a mod which allowed Danse to replace Maxson. (The mod is buggy AF, don't recommend)

This time it's the Minutemen again, with some help from the Railroad. I worked with the RR until Bunker Hill, then got myself kicked out (Me to Shaun on the roof: "Son, I am disappoint"). Kept the BoS alive mostly by accident.

I always leave Izabel alive. She isn't actively malicious.
Regarding Dima: I let him alive last time, but I think this time I'll have him stand trial. He might be pro-peace and all, but I disagree with his methods. Also, he is somewhat cultleader-ish. I also disagree with his "It's more important what is true to you than what is actually true" mindset.
Nuked the Children of Atom last time, will nuke them this time, too. They are dangerous cultists with a harmful ideology. The fact that you can make them peaceful by replacing the leader doesn't help, it only shows how easy they are manipulated. What if the next grand confessor after fake Tektus will be like real Tektus? They had a peaceful leader who got replaced by a fundamentalist once.

I wish there was a mod which would let you take over the institute without nuking it. There is none, afaik.

Regarding nuka world: yeah, kill the raiders. Though this time, I have hope in regard of this mod:
After reading this long long post I came up with the conclusion that due to the bleak outlook on life in general that I have, I decided to draw a list to explain the reasons for who I choose:

1) I am married with far to many children
2) I have a morgage bigger then anything else I own.
3) knowing that I am always right and my family are wrong to disagree with me because I am always right.
4) The fact then when I do get time to play, someone has to disturb me with the intent of me proving them wrong, yet again.
5) Meeting the Railroad, Brotherhood of Steel, Minutemen, I think, what could they tell me that I don't already know, especially when what I know is always right
6) Just the fact that none of them knows what they are talking about
7) They may not be real, but I am insane :tease

I would side with me, because lets be honest, I am the one and only, no one cleans better then me :nuke::explode: