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Suggestion Freeze Survival Needs While in Workshop Mode


New Member
Basically what it says on the tin - WS+ already makes the player not take damage, invisible, fly, etc. I think it would be great if it also 'locked' the Survival Needs (thirst, hunger, sleep) at their current values while you are in workshop mode, since it can be extremely frustrating to have to keep stopping the build process just to eat a metric tonne of food, drink a few gallons of water and sleep.
Basically what it says on the tin - WS+ already makes the player not take damage, invisible, fly, etc. I think it would be great if it also 'locked' the Survival Needs (thirst, hunger, sleep) at their current values while you are in workshop mode, since it can be extremely frustrating to have to keep stopping the build process just to eat a metric tonne of food, drink a few gallons of water and sleep.

Does the freeze time feature not halt survival needs?

I don't think I had ever noticed that option. That does indeed seem to halt survival needs, so I guess my suggestion can be disregarded. :)

I have not used that function - perhaps it is old cautionary tales or legends not to have a timescale less than 5, 8, or 10... freeze would seem to be "0"? Maybe this is all superstition... I don't know. Has this changed?

And yes, I have had starvation and dehydration without noticing the warnings!

Good times!
I have not used that function - perhaps it is old cautionary tales or legends not to have a timescale less than 5, 8, or 10... freeze would seem to be "0"? Maybe this is all superstition... I don't know. Has this changed?

I've never changed the timescale and I haven't used this feature either. I imagine there's a distinction: One would lower the timescale during game play to lengthen the day/night cycle, right? But NPC's/action still move at normal speed? It's not the slow time effect of something like Jet? (Like I said I've never done it so I really don't know how it works.)

However, freezing/stopping time itself to implies taking the PC out of time. It's not that you are moving lightspeeds faster than everything else, but that all game movement, besides you, just stops.

It would be an odd way of playing the entire game: besides causing untold many other oddities, it would turn NPC's and mobs into furniture. But it makes some sense in build mode in a settlement. And the key here, probably, is: it's just in workshop mode. Enter workshop mode. Pause everything, play the hand of God. Exit workshop mode and return to normal.
Wanna state that on console you cannot use Place Anywhere with the time paused options. It just give an error. So it kind of hard to leave it on.
Fun fact: When you start a new game, timescale is set to 0. Just before you exit the cryopod in ruined vault 111, gametime is reset and timescale is set to 20. There are a couple of points where timescale is set to > 0 so things can advance, but I can't remember the specifics.

Setting timescale to 0 basically stops the game clock. So any time based game events won't trigger. This includes things like survival debuffs. Actors moving about and combat should still happen in real time.
Wanna state that on console you cannot use Place Anywhere with the time paused options.
I'm really curious what causes this. The only thing I can think of is maybe setting timescale to 0 also stops script timers. (I would think it would only stop game time timers) I don't have an xbox so I'll never know...

To freeze survival needs, the best method would be to add an ability to freeze the values while in workshop mode. When the player exits workshop mode, they would revert to the previous values. I would be surprised if there wasn't a mod out there that does this. It seems like something survival players would want.
If You take the healing factor perk then the only thing You have to be aware is from being incapacitated so You cannot walk. I think you get it from being too sleepy. The rest of the survival buffs doesn't really bother while You are building. Obviously when You are done You have to eat, drink and sleep to get into condition again