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Sim Settlements Three-in-One Edition


Well-Known Member
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Verified Builder
Sim Settlements + Industrial Revolution + Rise of the Commonwealth all in one ESM!

Going to do a quick anticipated Q&A Here...

Q. Can I use it with existing saves?

A. Yep! Just remove the old files for those three mods (all esps and ba2s on PC, or just delete the mod on Xbox). Then download the Three-in-One version.

Q. Why Three-in-One and not All-in-One?

A. I didn't want to confuse folks about Add-on packs, which are not included. I also am not positive if future expansions will be able to work as part of this due to the complexity we're getting into!

Q. Will you combine the Megapack and other add-ons into this?

A. No. The community content will remain separate. The core of Sim Settlements and its expansions are following a fairly strict style to try and stay as close to the Fallout 4 aesthetic and theme as possible. We want the default available buildings to fit in without the player having to mess to much with the complex features of Sim Settlements such as the Ban container. This lets Sim Settlements act as sort of a framework for other people to build on and add their own style.

Q. Can I downgrade from the Three-in-One later if I need space?

A. Sort of. Be aware that any cities you build with Rise of the Commonwealth, or content you unlocked from Industrial Revolution may leave you with large red exclamation point icons where the missing models were. Best bet is tear down any RotC cities and remove any IR plots before you downgrade.
The 3-in-1 should always be the exact size as each of the individuals combined. I will continue to make them available individually as well.
Have to ask. Since IR and RotC have moved into the master file, will that have any noteable affects on performance for the low end console systems?
There's no Advanced Industrial plot category at-all. I have not had the IR installed previously before installing the three-in-one version.
Anyone having issues, check out this thread: It's almost always going to be an installation or timing issue.

Have had many folks confirm that everything works great with the three-in-one. It's actually the exact same files you've always had, I didn't actually have to merge anything because I've been planning to do this since developing IR. The only difference with the three-in-one, is that all of the assets are in a single BA2 file.
There's no Advanced Industrial plot category at-all. I have not had the IR installed previously before installing the three-in-one version.

I just installed the 3-in-1 pack last-night so haven't tested it thoroughly but when I placed an Advanced Industry plot only one choice was presented (Robot Scav' station or something-something from an add-on)
I had the same thing happen i went and did some more building then returned and the other choices showed up. Don't remember how much time passed.
I use mod organizer 2.
I finally decided to switch to the three-in-one.
I deleted all three mods in mo2 and installed the three-in-one.
Now when I load my save, I get an error complaining that the save depends on rotc and ir.

Do I just ignore that? Or should I restore my backup and go back to the three individual mods.
Hey. So I downloaded this for my xbox and I've been reading everything to try and make sure that I'm doing everything correctly, but when I go into my settlements, there are these big red diamonds with exclamation points in them, and I saw something about that happening if you updated from older versions or something, but I didnt do that. I was curious if anyone knew how to fix this. Thanks!
That means there are model files missing. Do you know what used to be in those spots?
That means there are model files missing. Do you know what used to be in those spots?
So I just turned off all my mods and started a new game to try and find out, but the exclamation points were still in sanctuary, so this might just be a problem with my core game file...
Yeah - you'll want to do a reinstall of FO4 if that's the case.