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Question Conqueror questions about settlement quests


New Member
So what happens in Conqueror to settlement quests if I give a settlement to a faction. Example - if I use Conqueror to pre-build a bunch of settlements and give them all to the Minuteman faction. What happens if I don't play as a raider (don't take Jammer up on his offer) when I go to Abernathy Farm? Will I get the "retrieve Mary's ring quest" from Blake Abernathy? And if I complete it, is the settlement now mine, even if I haven't joined the Minutemen? And what happens if I am the Minuteman General? Do all of these settlements automatically belong to me? Do I still need to do settlement quests to gain them? Will Preston still give me radiant quests for settlements even though they already belong to the Minuteman faction? So how does all this work? Thanks.
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Yeah this forums purdy dead sorry, wish I knew the answer to help you out
Actually, I figured it out. I went into godmode and went to Olivia, killed the bad guys and got the locket and returned to Abernathy Farm and gave Blake the locket. He said thanks, and gave me access to the workbench. All of the civilians/settlers I could trade with and command. The only thing I couldn't control were the Minuteman guards, which is fine, I don't need to command them to do anything. So it looks like can get any settlement through questing. Now in the regular game you don't need a quest for some settlements, you clean out the baddies and you get access. I'm not sure if that will work, you may need a quest from the normal settlers or a radiant quest from Preston. If so then you may need to wait for Preston to give you a quest to take a settlement before you can access it's workshop. Anyway, this is exactly what I wanted. Pre-built settlements that I can explore, and convert/access if I wish to go that route. This is great!